Monday, June 27, 2011

Cargo Collective! Hey! Zis iz why I need Zee new Site

Header for

Screen Print for Ike as in Dwight

Cover Art for Nature of People, People of Nature by Ike as in Dwight

Fodder for Symbology

Elephant in the Room

Dark Matter

Cd cover for Loving Bird, a musical project by Doug Raus

So, as you all can see I am very much in need of a formatted site. At this moment, I am tentatively returning to the arms of the internet after a break of about 4 months. The extended network from cargo collective I've seen so far is quite impressive. It would delight me if you were to have a hand in such a reunion.
-Maya Renfro


  1. GORDEM this is all awesome Maya- i love your harmony use in that last one too cool

  2. go places, maya, go go go

    (yay dark matter)
