Sunday, October 2, 2011

Melissa made this for me. And I am sharing it.

Has Modest Mouse forevermore done their market-damage with balloon-association? I hope one understands what I mean by this... My brain isn't quite on yet. Blame the lack of coffee. Perhaps coffee was created in order to be able to use it as a scapegoat for persons not able to mind their minds well. I need to draw an ugly scapegoat now.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Ukranian Friend says...

...To view the internet as a spot to dump your information. That is, if it seems overwhelming to an individual. It does!

I finished my website... for now...

Here, have a COW.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cargo Collective! Hey! Zis iz why I need Zee new Site

Header for

Screen Print for Ike as in Dwight

Cover Art for Nature of People, People of Nature by Ike as in Dwight

Fodder for Symbology

Elephant in the Room

Dark Matter

Cd cover for Loving Bird, a musical project by Doug Raus

So, as you all can see I am very much in need of a formatted site. At this moment, I am tentatively returning to the arms of the internet after a break of about 4 months. The extended network from cargo collective I've seen so far is quite impressive. It would delight me if you were to have a hand in such a reunion.
-Maya Renfro

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

jersey necklace

I realize this craft isn't that original, but I think it will make an easy gift for some friends of mine and sister craft club. it's pretty self-explanatory, but I did use the help of this tutorial for the final step. fyi: without access to a sewing machine, I found hand sewing this to be quite doable. and then I modeled it whoops.

Monday, January 24, 2011

(pun-filled thought bubble welcome, Maya)