Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An excerpt from Kenneth Koch's "Some General Instructions"

I know this isn't an original work, but I felt that it was important for me to post this right now. Things are changing and I think it's about time to do something about it.
Thanks for sharing this with me, Kate. You're not allowed to change too much.

The problem of being good an also what one wishes
is not as difficult as it seems. It is, however,
Best to get embarked early on one's dearest desires.
Be attentive to your dreams. They are usually about sex,
But they deal with other things as well in an indirect fashion
And contain information that you should have.
You should also read poetry. Do not eat too many bananas.
In the springtime, plant. In the autumn, harvest.
In the summer and winter, exercise. Do not put
Your finger inside a clam shell or
It may be snapped off by the living clam. Do not wear a shirt
More than two times without sending it to the laundry.
Be a bee fancier only if you have a face net. Avoid flies,
Hornets and wasps. Clasp other people's hands firmly
When you are introduced to them. Say "I am glad to meet you!"
Be able to make a mouth and cheeks like a fish. It
Is entertaining. Speaking in accents
Can also entertain people. But do not think
mainly of being entertaining. Think of your death.
Think of the death of the fish you just imitated. Be artistic, and be unfamiliar
Think of the blue sky, how artists have
Imitated it. Think of your secretest thoughts,
How poets have imitated them. Think of what you feel
Secretly, and how music has imitated that. Make a moue.
Get faucets for every water outlet in your
House. You may like to spend some summers on
An island. Buy woolen material in Scotland and have
The cloth cut in London, lapels made in France.
Become religious when you are tired of everything
Else. As a little old man or woman, die
In a fine and original spirit that is yours alone.
When you are dead, waste, and make room for the future.
Do not make tea from water which is already boiling.
Use the water just as it starts to boil. Otherwise
It will not successfully "draw" it. Byron
Wrote that no man under thirty should ever see
An ugly woman, suggesting desire should be so strong
It affected the princeliest of senses; and Schopenhauer
Suggested the elimination of the human species
As the way to escape from the Will, which he saw as monstrous
Demon-like force which destroys us. When
Pleasure is mild, you should enjoy it, as far as
You can, to enjoy you. Pain should be
Dealt with as efficiently as possible. To "cure" a dead octopus
You hold it by one leg and bang it against a rock.
This makes a noise heard all around the harbor.
But it is necessary, for otherwise the meat would be too tough.
Fowl are best plucked by humans, but machines
Are more humanitarian, since extended chicken
Plucking is an unpleasant job. Do not eat unwashed beets
Or rare pork, nor should you gobble uncooked dough.
Fruits, vegetables, and cheese make an excellent diet.
You should understand some science. Electricity
Is fascinating. Do not be defeated by the
Feeling that there is too much for you to know. That
Is the myth of the oppressor. You are
Capable of understanding life. And it is yours alone
And only this time. Someone who excites you
Should be told so, and loved, if you can, but no one
Should be able to shake you so much that you wish to
Give up. The sensations you feel are caused by outside
Phenomena and inside impulses. Whatever you
Experience is both "a person out there" and a dream
As well as unwashed electrons. It is your task to see this through
To a conclusion that makes sense to all concerned
And that reflects credit on this poem, your species, and yourself.
Now go. You cannot come back until these lessons are learned
And you can show that you have learned them for yourself.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fries in the Mourning...

Love you?

I have one more exam to pass and then I will graduate college.

Last night I was awake long beyond my mind's capacity to study so I colored a drawing I made earlier in the day.

It's been nice to realize that I've formulated a sustainable way of putting together my art!
I'm going to spend a lot more time on this and make it look presentable. I thought it would be interesting to post as is because, frankly, it's pretty durn weird with the colors smooshing around and all that. And also looks stupid.

Melissa is having the qualities identical to that of an inspiring person (hey language & logic I am not your female dog after all) and I think I've created a rule that whenever she posts I will post. This ish is ON!

Monday, December 13, 2010

"Cat Couch" Cont.

Screen printing is the best and we should do it again soon, MAYA.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Future Projections of Individuation

This is the video of what it was like to be in the gallery...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


In neglecting my studies, I found some old doodles. Cat Couch was turned into a screen print I need to post next.

Edit: found these silly doods too... I think the strawberries need to be saying something fruity.

napkin quote

It's All Too Much...

Whenever I feel overwhelmed by life I envision this.


I cannot wait for us to all do wondrous things.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Beeing Buzzy

I've found that when one is really busy posting simply does not happen.

For the past year I have been working on my Senior Studio show, Future Projections of Individuation.

I'm currently finishing the final write-up. When that's finished I will include pictures and videos and music and explanations.
Frog gains Introspection
This is one of the 22 images that were on display.

I am realizing that I am in dire need of a blog for musical creations! Blogger is a booger in terms of adding music. I may about to be a-tumblin'. Hopefully by the end of the week!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Maya and I have more or less failed in this blogging business as of late. But there is more than just a smell of snow in the air folks... CHANGE AND CREATIVITY IS FAST APPROACHING. ALL CLEAR FOR LANDING. As this semester finally comes to a close, and Blacksburg becomes significantly less populated, our brief summer days of creativity will be reinstated. Blossoming seeds of imagination will break through the sheets of ice and allow us to grow and love again. Ahh, for once I wish time would move a little faster. [Welp. I think that paragraph just made this blog a little lamer.]

Anywho, I thought a mild update was in order.
First of all, SHOUT OUT to Maya Renfro's senior studio Future Projections of Individuation, a complete and utter success, if I may myself proclaim. You are it, m'lady, the Bees Knees. And I am pleased to have you as one of my dearest friends. The show was, in a word, scrumtrulescent. Maybe the lady will be kind enough to post her work someday for public viewers, who knows. Luckily, there are a few tasty treats already in view on this here very blog!

Oh yea, and this one time Maya and I went to Richmond, VA together and it was awesome.
The latter two photos were taken by my step-lilsis, Stephanie, and her ridiculous new Nikon. The former was just my crappy ol' film camera, but the love is still there.

That's it and that's all folks. Procrastinating my studies has reached a new low, eh?
Where is Sam Shelby!?!?!?